Shopping List Compare - Android

This is a simple Android application created with the intention to make user save money at the end of the month or while doing shopping. This application will compare the prices of a particular product at different stores and output the result. With this version 1.0, the user will have to feed the application with the store that they want to compare and prices of products but version 2.0 the user will only have to select their favorite stores and the application will automatically retrieve the product with the price using internet connection.


The main activity consists of the list previously added by the user. The user can perform actions like view the list, which will show the stores selected for that particular list and their products. If you want to delete the list long press on the list name and then in the pop-up menu select Delete.

Simple and elegant drawer. To add a new list select Add List in the drawer menu or you can click on the float add button which will navigate to the next fragment to allow the user to enter the title of the list.

Add Store

Start writing the store name and the autocomplete feature will do the rest. Below is the snippet of autocomplete feature.

private ArrayList<MasterSupermarketViewModel> GetMasterSuperMarketForAutoComplete() {
 ArrayList<MasterSupermarketViewModel> result;

 DBHandler db = new DBHandler(getContext());
 result =  db.GetMasterSupermarket();

 return result;


public ArrayList<MasterSupermarketViewModel> GetMasterSupermarket(){
 ArrayList<MasterSupermarketViewModel> result = new ArrayList<>();

 SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
 String query;
 query  = "SELECT * FROM "
   + Table.MasterSupermarket.tableName;

 Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(query , null);
 if(cursor.getCount() > 0){
  for(cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast() ; cursor.moveToNext()){
   MasterSupermarketViewModel store = new MasterSupermarketViewModel();



 return result;
 private void SetValueForAutoComplete(ArrayList<MasterSupermarketViewModel> masterSupermarkets, FragmentActivity activity) {
 ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
 for (MasterSupermarketViewModel item:masterSupermarkets) {

 ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(activity, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, result);

Long press on the store name to bring the popup menu and select Delete if you want to remove a store in that list

Add Product And Price

In the spinner you can select which store to want to add the product and price.

Click on the add button to add the current product in the selected store. You cannot add a product twice in the same store, this will cause a validation error and alert the user as shown in the screenshot below

Once all the product added click on the save button which will compare all the products in the list and will generate an expandable list where products will be sorted based on its price and store.

private HashMap<String, List<String>> GroupedChildItems(){
 HashMap<String, List<String>> childContent = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

 parentHeaderInformation = new ArrayList<>();
 ArrayList<GroceryDetailsViewModel> groceryDetails = GetGroceryDetailsByListId(listDetails.getListId());
 List<String> storeItem = new ArrayList<>();

 ArrayList<GroceryDetailsViewModel> groceryDetailsFinal = new ArrayList<>();
 ArrayList<ExpandableDetailsViewModel> expandableStoreDetails = new ArrayList<>();

 for (MasterSupermarketViewModel store:stores) {

  for (GroceryDetailsViewModel groceryGroupByStoreId: groceryDetails) {
   if (groceryGroupByStoreId.getStoreId() == store.getStoreId()){

    for (GroceryDetailsViewModel groceryGroupByGroceryId:groceryDetails) {
     if (groceryGroupByStoreId.getGroceryId() == groceryGroupByGroceryId.getGroceryId()) {


    GroceryDetailsViewModel sortedGroceryList = GetMinimumPrice(groceryDetailsFinal);
    PopulateExpandableListView(sortedGroceryList, expandableStoreDetails, storeItem, childContent);

    groceryDetailsFinal = new ArrayList<>();

 storeItem = new ArrayList<>();


Click here to download the source code
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