
Showing posts with the label vb

Face recognition using EmguCV 3.0 and typing pattern recognition

Introduction An MSc project with the title Student Examination System, where the objective is to put the students in an examination condition but instead of having an invigilator in an examination center, the system will cater for the proper ongoing of the exam. the system can be used as an online examination system The system is able to: Recognizing the face shape of a particular student Detect if there is more than one person in the examination room  Analyze the typing pattern of a student and detect if any one person is taking part in the exam voice recognition for the student and detect if there is more than one person speaking in the examination room Setup Download Emgu CV from Download Haarcascade from Create an account at Face recognition The snippet below illustrates how the Emgu CV is loaded whe... vb PlanetFood cloud computing

This is a small vb application of a ficticious comapny called PlanetFood specialized in seafood menu. i used bootstrap to implement the front end of the application as well as make it responsive. The application can be viwed on a smart phone, laptop and tablet as well. For the database I used SQl server 2012 Screen Shot System will automatically calculate the total price for each customer Responsive display for a tablet screen Responsive for smart phone screen Source Code sample Login sample code Private Sub login() Dim con As New SqlConnection(Session("constring")) Dim sql = "select * from user_tbl where username = @usernameT and user_password = @passwordT and employee_status = 'admin' and status = 'active'" Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con) sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usernameT", txtbx_username.Text) sqlCm...

internet programming two

In this module learned how to design a more dynamic and more responsive website alongside with including a database into the website to store personal information about every users who wish to register in the website. please note that all sensitive data are kept private and confidential Common languages i used in developing this website are: HTML with css3,,, JAVASCRIPT, SQL   This is the first time that i was introduced to visual studio. our lecturer encouraged to use the latest version 2013 but due to the fact that our pc/ laptop was not powerful enough we had to use visual studio 2010 ultimate version click on the link below to download the source code: