Occupational therapy application for Dr. R.Seedhoo


During my visit to ENT hospital Mauritius, I met Dr. R.Seedho, a senior occupational therapist. We had several meetings where we discussed the flow of operation, existing problem and why he wants to go forward with creating a custom made application to meet his needs. Based on the fact that Dr. R.Seedho wanted a system that will run only in his machine and must be able to do so with or without an internet connection, thus we decided to create a desktop application. After some prototyping, hours of coding and testing I created the application which Dr. R.Seedho was really pleased with the outcome and even better than he expected.

How it works

Main menu

In order to achieve the best user experience I have decided to keep the main menu and navigation bar as simple as possible with the following menu:
  1. Appointment: view today's appointment and search for appointment.
  2. New appointment: add new patients with details such as medical records, range of motion, prescription and next appointment
  3. Patient: list of all patients in the system with possibility to search by name and surname
  4. search: best way to describe it is simply an advance search


The following code snippet demonstrate how data is being retrieve from the database to a list of object when query it using LINQ to retrieve all appointment which is due today

New Patient

There are several fields that is important to be filled when a new patient pop up. These fields are grouped into five main sections:

  1. Patient details - contains details such as name, contact details and so on.
  2. Medical records - diagnosis of the patient with past medical history.
  3. Range of motion -  this will pop up a new dialog where user can measure the motion of each joint
  4. Prescription and advise - record of medicines prescribed to the patient 
  5. Appointment - save the next appointment of the patient

Below is the snippet how the save process is being done:

Range of motions

To measure the range of motion for each joint, in the section "New Patient" from the navigation menu click on "Add" button this will pop up a dialog form

Joints are separated into 2 main category:
  1. Upper joint - consists of shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers
  2. Lower joint - knee, hip, ankle
Each section will have several movements/ motions where the user can measure for both right and left motion. for example shoulder will have motion like "Flexion, extension" and so on, each of them can be measured in both right and left arm

Once the assessment completed, each joint assessed will be displayed in a grid view.

Fun fact: there are more than 50 motions that a human can make with shoulder, knee, ankle and so on combined together


The patient section is quite straight forward with a simple search feature and a grid view where all patients

View patient

When the user clicks on "View patient" from appointments, patients or search a dialog will pop up with selected client information loaded.

One patient can have several assessments and appointments thus in this section they more than one assessment and appointment can be added by click on "Add" button for either assessment or appointment

Snippet code demonstrates how patient data is being loaded:


The search section is just an advance search feature where user can search with criteria such as name, surname and more complex criteria such a diagnosis, medical history, entry data and so on. User have the option to search the whole word, part of it or even a single alphabet.
Snippet below shows how search criteria is being filtered from the list object using LINQ

Source code

Please find link for the source code: https://github.com/kaveer/OccupationalTherapy.git


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