Angular : Setup

  • Download Node.js
  • NVM (Node Version Manager)
    • Download and install NVM: GitHub - coreybutler/nvm-windows
    • Command:
      • Install a version of Node: nvm install 14.15.1
      • Use a version installed: nvm use 14.15.1
      • List all installed Node versions: nvm list
  • Install Angular CLI
    npm -g @angular/cli
  • Create Project
    • Create a new Angular project:
      ng new [AppName]
    • Or with a specified prefix:
      ng new [AppName] --prefix [PrefixName]
    • All generated components will have the prefix in the selector of the metadata.
  • Open Project in VS Code
    • Browse to the project folder in CMD.
    • Type "code ." and press Enter.
  • Run Project
    ng serve -o
  • Add Component
    • Use CMD:
      ng g c [ComponentName]
    • Adding a component in a specific folder:
    • Example:
      ng g c products/product-detail --flat
      • --flat does not put the component in a separate directory but in the same directory.
  • Add Library
    ng generate library [libraryName]
    • Create a component in a library:
      • Navigate to the [libraryName] using the command:
        cd projects/[libraryName]
      • Generate a component:
        ng generate component [ComponentName]
  • Add Guard
    • ng generate guard [Folderpath]/[GuardName]
    • Or using shorthand:
      ng g g [Folderpath]/[GuardName]
  • Add Module
    ng generate module [FolderPath]/[ModuleName]
    • With options:
      • --flat: does not add the module in a folder.
      • -m [ModuleName]: add this new created module to the import of the specified module [ModuleName].


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