
MyShoppingList - Android app

Blur mind, can't remember what to buy when doing shopping this android app might help you as it unable you to instantly create a shopping list. It is environment friendly as you don't need to write you shopping list on a piece of paper where you will throw it away after shopping is done. This android app is compatible with almost every android API. Moreover it doesn't drain the device battery with background process Screen Shot Splash screen Splash screen will appear for about 3 second when the application is starting up Home Activity Simple navigation drawer with menu that can perform the following functions: Create List - create new list and add items with quantity and price. The total price will be automatically calculated Generate List - based on preference, a list of items will be generated View List - view all the lists and items related to a specific list Add Category - New item and need to associate it with a new category, you can...

Mauritius Hiker - ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET web api, C#,

Hiking as a sport is common in several countries, in Mauritius this trend has started to because popular due to the fact that organizer can post hiking events on social networks like Facebook, meetup and others. For some people hiking is not just a sport but a lifestyle as well. When an hiking event is organized people have the chance to meet new people, explore new landscape, boost their adrenaline rush and  at the end of the day add it as unforgettable memories The fact the we do not have a specific platform custom made for Mauritians hikers, I have developed a web based application that will help organizers to post hiking events, where individual can get in touch with organizers and perform other functionalities. Screen Shot User Friendly Application Simple user interface to make the user comfortable and at ease, with a beautiful and eye catching navigation menu with option like about us, contact us, drop down menu to group all functionalities such as login and re...

Android tutorial for activity transition animation - Android

Android tutorial to show the transition animation when navigate from one activity to another or from activity to fragment Screen Shot Step 1 create a new project in android studio with empty activity Step 2 right click on the "res" directory and in the context menu select new and add a new Android resource directory Step 3 Add animation files(XML)  in the directory you have created fade in Fade out Slide in left slide in right slide out left slide out right step 4 Create two activities one is the main activity and the second that the user will navigate in order to be able to see the transition animation Home page activity second page activity Step 5 Override the onClick() method and add the method "overridePendingTransition()" Download Click here to download source code Please donate and support at